500 Duffy's Way
Guthrie, OK 73044
Price to Play
$25 - $50

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Photo of Cimarron National Golf Club Guthrie OK

Cimarron National Golf Club

Cimarron National Golf Club is 45 minutes north of Oklahoma City off I-35 on the west side of Guthrie with two 18 hole, championship layouts.

Aqua Canyon is somewhat hilly along tree lined, but generous fairways with water in play on 11 holes. There's four sets of tees, the blue tees play to 6,132 yards, 68.2/112, course/slope ratings, designed by Duffy Martin.

The National is a similar layout journeying along tree lined fairways over slightly rolling hills and water in play on 15 holes with a variety of interesting and unique holes. There's four sets of tees as well, the blue tees play to 6,153 yards, 67.5/116, course/slope ratings, also designed by Duffy Martin.